I knew I loved the French!! I just found this blog article (written by a lovely shop owner in France) from 2008. Oops. Sometimes it's hard to catch all the press (boy did that sound conceited) and it drives home the importance of having a publicist/press person. Or in my case, a fictitious assistant who handles that stuff so I can build and design. She or He didn't show up today, my fictitious assistant. Which is not much different from She or He not showing up ANY day for the last three years. I clearly need to think up a new person.
Anyhow, many thanks to www.minouchet.com and its owners for writing about my furniture on their blog. I was happy when I read what the online translator spit out...it doesn't seem negative (right?) so that's good. :)
OK, here's the article and how it's translated:
Vendredi, Etsy : ModMom Furniture
ModMom Furniture, alias Kiersten, est déjà une star du web, mais ce n'est pas une raison pour ne pas en parler, ne serait-ce qu'à cause son profil : une ancienne cadre devenue mère au foyer puis ébéniste, ce n'est pas spécialement banal. En plus, les meubles qu'elle crée sont absolument exquis... La livraison est possible partout, il suffit de la contacter. Et qui sait, peut-être seront-ils un jour sur www.minouchet.com...
ModMom Furniture, alias Kiersten, are already a star of the Web, but this n' is not a reason not to speak about it, would not be this qu' because its profile: old tallies become mother with the hearth then cabinetmaker, this n' is not especially banal. Moreover, the pieces of furniture qu' she creates are absolutely exquisite… The delivery is possible everywhere, it is enough to contact it. And which knows, perhaps will be they one day on www.minouchet.com…
I would be honored to sell my furniture on www.minochet.com. Just wish I knew how to get it to France for less than the cost of a small jet propelled boat.
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