It was that moment. The Mom Moment. The one where you're annoyed as hell by your bickering kids who are constantly asking you questions in between fighting with each other AND WON'T STOP TALKING. I'd had it and was just about to let THEM have it and I checked my email. "We'd like to send you information on the upcoming show Dwell on Design in LA...and have a great area on the show floor that might interest you with special pricing for retailers: Modern Family & Kids Zone." In that moment, the bitchiness dissolved. I felt wanted again by someone from Dwell Magazine and they weren't asking for more Twizzlers. Just like that, I became nice again. That lasted about five minutes before the bickering started again.
(Sadly, I can't make the Dwell on Design show happen for Mod Mom Furniture due to scheduling issues and the amount of toy boxes I need to build between now and August. Oh, and the fact that it would take time away from my Twizzler-wanting kiddos and I'd hate to miss any of the bickering.)
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